HBCU Money Guide is home to the ONLY HBCU Merit Scholarship Database. Our team has over 20+ years of college counseling experience providing students with information to create debt-free HBCU college degree plans. We're committed to sharing resources and information to enable students to create a plan to graduate from HBCUs debt-free or with very little debt.


Twins: Kai & Kairi Wright
College: Philander Smith College

Kai Wright

Scholarship: Mason Scholar (Full Tuition and Fees)
Major: Computer Science
Status: College Senior.  Graduating debt-free May 2023
Scholarship Total:  $52,056
Note: Became a Resident Assistant and received free room and meals.

Kairi Wright

Scholarship: Mason Scholar (Full Tuition and Fees)
Major: Mathematics
Status: College Senior. Graduating debt-free May 2023
Scholarship Total:  $52,056
Note: Became a Resident Assistant and received free room and meals.

Black female HBCU scholarship recipients
A black female HBCU student
"I wanted to graduate debt-free and HBCU Money Guide helped me create a plan to make that happen. My full tuition scholarship plus becoming a Resident Assistant means I'm graduating debt-free.  I followed the plan."
- Kairi Wright
"HBCU Money Guide  is amazing at helping students navigate through debt-free resources in order to create relief for students like me  who are driven to achieve financial freedom."
- Kai Wright
A black female HBCU student